I am so excited to share the announcement of our forthcoming book with you!
This book presents the foundations of using analytics from the laboratory, social media platforms, and the Web.
Topics covered include analytics strategy, data gathering approaches, data preprocessing, data quality assessment, analytical methods, tools, and validation methods.
Separate chapters explain Web Analytics, Social Media Analytics, and How to Create an Analytics Strategy. Other chapters cover data sources, such as Online Surveys, Crowdsourcing, Eye Tracking, Mouse Tracking, Social Media APIs, Search Logs, and Analytics Triangulation. Still other chapters cover analytical tools for Social Media Analytics, Search Analytics, Persona Analytics, User Studies, and Website Analytics. Finally, there is a discussion on the validity of online analytics.
As such, this book aims to offer a great primer on contemporary lab, web, and social media analytics topics!
In addition to finding the material useful, we hope the reader enjoys it!
Coming in 2023!
Jansen, B. J., Aldous, K, Salminen, J., Almerekhi, H. and Jung, S.G. (2023). Understanding Audiences, Customers, and Users via Analytics – An Introduction to the Employment of Web, Social, and Other Types of Digital People Data. Springer Nature.