StoryOptimizer – Leveraging AI for better cross platform social media content creation

If your organization does cross-platform posting (i.e., posts the same or similar content on multiple social media platforms). As part of our Acua system, we’ve developed a feature that takes a generic post and automatically optimizes it for 6 social media platforms. See below. We have already tested the feature in a 900-person user study,…… Continue reading StoryOptimizer – Leveraging AI for better cross platform social media content creation

SegmentSizeEstimator estimates the segment size based on language, country, gender, age-range, and topical interest

SegmentSizeEstimator estimates the segment size based on language, country, gender, age range, and topical interest. Moreover, it finds the most likable topical interest based on the given story and provides related segment sizes. This is powered by Facebook Ads API and (if available) Twitter Ads API. Give it a try! SegmentSizeEstimator Read more! Jansen, B.…… Continue reading SegmentSizeEstimator estimates the segment size based on language, country, gender, age-range, and topical interest

Text2Toxicity predicts a text’s toxicity

Text2Toxicity predicts a text’s toxicity. The tool is based on the machine learning classifier reported in the research article mentioned below. Give it a try! Text2Toxicity Salminen, J., Hopf, M., Chowdhury, S. A., Jung, S., Almerekhi, H., & Jansen, B. J. (2020). Developing an online hate classifier for multiple social media platforms. Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences,…… Continue reading Text2Toxicity predicts a text’s toxicity

GAN2Name provides the most likely names for the given demographic

GAN2Name provides the most likely names for the given demographic. “GAN” comes from Gender, Age, and Nationality. Give it a try! GAN2Name Read more! ​Jung, S.G., Salminen, J., and Jansen, B. J. (2021) All About the Name: Assigning Demographically Appropriate Names to Data-Driven Entities. 54th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2021) Koloa, Hawaii, United States. 5-8…… Continue reading GAN2Name provides the most likely names for the given demographic

Name2GAN Predict a name’s most likely demographics

Name2GAN is a service of Acua used to predict a name’s most likely demographics. “GAN” comes from Gender, Age, Nationality. Give it a try! Name2GAN ​Read more about the service! Jung, S.G., Salminen, J., and Jansen, B. J. (2021) All About the Name: Assigning Demographically Appropriate Names to Data-Driven Entities. 54th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System…… Continue reading Name2GAN Predict a name’s most likely demographics

Is Death Only the Beginning? How People Mourn Artificial Characters in Social Media

We analyze the audience response to the death of narrative-driven fictitious characters with predetermined fates, whether part of a virtual or cinematic story, and specifically from video games and TV series. Our aim is to contribute to the studies of identification and empathy with fictitious characters in media, as well as to close the research…… Continue reading Is Death Only the Beginning? How People Mourn Artificial Characters in Social Media

The need for data validity when using analytics

A difficulty faced by scholars and practitioners working with numbers about people is that those who study people want numerical data about these people. Unfortunately, time and time again, this numerical data about people is wrong. Addressing the potential causes of this wrongness, we present examples of analyzing people numbers, i.e., numbers derived from digital…… Continue reading The need for data validity when using analytics

Analytics in practice

Digital analytics – the collection, measurement, analysis, and reporting of online data. Organizations desire to leverage analytics to increase productivity, increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve the audience, customer, and user experience (ACU Experience). Data-driven decision-making = making decisions based on data.   See more about using analytics to make impactful data-driven decisions in our…… Continue reading Analytics in practice

Audience, Customer, and User Understanding

Understanding is the ability to interpret and make sense of the data insights generated through analytical processes. Understanding is the ability to interpret and make sense of the data insights generated through analytical processes. Goes beyond simply collecting and analyzing data to uncover patterns, trends, or correlations. Involves comprehending the implications of the data analysis…… Continue reading Audience, Customer, and User Understanding

Audiences, Customers, and Users are Roles

Audience, customers, and users are roles. People are assigned (or assume) these roles for clarity in a given context. Role is temporarily adopting the perspective of a particular platform, product, or system in a specific context. People place themselves as the intended group for that entity/service. Roles help evaluate usability, identify issues, and gain insights…… Continue reading Audiences, Customers, and Users are Roles