The Power and Challenges of Cross-Platform Shared Content: Breaking Barriers and Expanding Reach

  In today’s interconnected digital landscape, cross-platform shared content has emerged as a powerful tool for creators and businesses. With the ability to transcend platform limitations and reach a wider audience, cross-platform shared content has become a game-changer, enabling seamless experiences and fostering engagement on multiple fronts. However, while the benefits are substantial, it’s important…… Continue reading The Power and Challenges of Cross-Platform Shared Content: Breaking Barriers and Expanding Reach

 Finetuning Analytics Information Systems for a Better Understanding of Users: Evidence of Personification Bias on Multiple Digital Channels

Although the effect of hyperparameters on algorithmic outputs is well-known in machine learning, the effects of hyperparameters on informati on systems that produce user or customer segments are relatively unexplored. This research employs the concept of persona and the effect of varying the number of user segments on the personification of user engagement data in…… Continue reading  Finetuning Analytics Information Systems for a Better Understanding of Users: Evidence of Personification Bias on Multiple Digital Channels

Personas for our forthcoming book, “Understanding Audiences, Customers, and Users via Analytics”

For our forthcoming book, “Understanding Audiences, Customers, and Users via Analytics”, we have three personas that we used to focus the book’s content: one designer, one professor, and one industry researcher. Mary is a senior user experience designer who wants her organization to use analytics for several major projects. She is familiar with some analytics…… Continue reading Personas for our forthcoming book, “Understanding Audiences, Customers, and Users via Analytics”

Acua: The Key to Better Analytics and Better Business Decisions

  Understanding your audience, customers, and users is critical to the success of any organization. With the ever-increasing amount of digital data available, it is essential to have an effective research strategy that collects, measures, analyzes, and reports this data to gain insights into the behavior of your target populations. This is where Acua comes…… Continue reading Acua: The Key to Better Analytics and Better Business Decisions

Will They Take This Offer? A Machine Learning Price Elasticity Model for Predicting Upselling Acceptance of Premium Airline Seating

Employing customer information from one of the world’s largest airline companies, we develop a price elasticity model (PREM) using machine learning to identify customers likely to purchase an upgrade offer from economy to premium class and predict a customer’s acceptable price range. A simulation of 64.3 million flight bookings and 14.1 million email offers over three years…… Continue reading Will They Take This Offer? A Machine Learning Price Elasticity Model for Predicting Upselling Acceptance of Premium Airline Seating

Towards Designing a More Inclusive Technology

In Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research, awareness of how to address diversity is increasing. For example, the number of published papers that offer information on different diversity dimensions has significantly increased [2]. Designers and developers aim to be aware of the different types of their technology users to ensure that no individual or community is harmed…… Continue reading Towards Designing a More Inclusive Technology

Cross-Platform Social Media Studies: Five Advantages And Five Disadvantages

There is a growing body of research on social networks, including studies that focus on how social networks are used on different platforms, how users move between platforms, and how platforms are integrated into the overall media diet of users. A study by the Pew Research Center found that social networks are used by most…… Continue reading Cross-Platform Social Media Studies: Five Advantages And Five Disadvantages

Which engagement level can we predict better on Instagram? A classification approach

In social media, likes and comments are key metrics for success.  If you can predict how many likes and comments a post will get, you can better manage your content strategy and create content that resonates with your audience.  There are a few ways to build a prediction model for the number of likes.  In…… Continue reading Which engagement level can we predict better on Instagram? A classification approach

Demystifying Language Models: The Case of BERT’s Usage in Solving Classification Problems

Newcomers to the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) often see the term ‘language model’ tossed around when discussing Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks without any proper clarification of its importance and usage in solving real-world problems. So, this tutorial blogpost aims at demystifying language models by defining what a language model is, describing the common…… Continue reading Demystifying Language Models: The Case of BERT’s Usage in Solving Classification Problems

Log Odds Ratio: Going Beyond Simple Term Frequencies to Characterize Textual Categories

Gaining insights from text-based data can be a daunting task, even when the data is labeled with ground truth categories and ready for usage in machine learning tasks.Researchers often rely on simple methods like the frequency of words in each category to understand the collection’s characteristics. However, this approach is not always insightful, as term…… Continue reading Log Odds Ratio: Going Beyond Simple Term Frequencies to Characterize Textual Categories